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Shelley Argabrite


Active 1 hour, 41 minutes ago
  • Shelley Argabrite posted an update in the group Group logo of Child and Adolescent Wellness WorkgroupChild and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 5 years, 5 months ago

    At the last meeting we updated the draft surveys, Phil Lauver, Surpervisor of Pupil Services suggested we send them to Karen DeVore, Executive Director to Superintendent for review. Our goal is to gather local baseline data from students and parents regarding their knowledge of health issues and barriers they face that may prevent them from having regular wellness checks. I dropped the surveys off to Karen yesterday for review. The group discussed administering the surveys in November. Finances have been identified to buy incentives for a drawing for students and parents who complete the survey. The results of this important local data will help agency partners and the community better understand the issues youth in Garrett County are facing. Local data combined with larger data collection efforts like the YRBS will help us form a more responsive strategic approach in addressing issues. The next meeting is Oct 3, 2019 at 8:00 am at the Garrett County Health Department. This is an open meeting – anyone interested is welcome to attend.