John Corbin


Active 12 hours, 54 minutes ago
@guestuser Hi there! We’re glad you’re checking out our community planning tool! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or via our support system (! Enjoy your visit! 🙂 View
  • John Corbin commented on the doc Measures related to adolescent/youth health in the group Group logo of Child and Adolescent Wellness WorkgroupAdolescent Well Child Checks 5 years, 4 months ago

    Here’s a couple of quick benchmarks we could look at in the initial deployment of a campaign to gauge the efficiency of pro-screening avenues:

    # of Youth Referrals for Adolescent Well Child Checks from GCHD Community Outreach
    # of Youth Referrals for Adolescent Well Child Checks from GCHD Partners After School Programs
    # of Youth Referrals for Adolescent Well Child Checks from GCHD Personal Health Programs
    # of Youth Referrals for Adolescent Well Child Checks from GCHD Dental Programs
    # of Adolescent Well Child Check Referrals Generated from the Resource Guide
    # of Community Partners Participating in the Adolescent Screening Campaign (Contacts Listed in Doc)
    # Reached by Adolescent Well Child Check Marketing Materials (Excluding Estimated Media)

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