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Jennifer Corder


Active 7 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group Group logo of Vaccines for Adults and ChildrenVaccines for Adults and Children 6 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Cindy, thanks for posting your vaccination data. I am wondering about your measures. Is each data point one patient that received one vaccine? I am guessing some patients are recipients of more than one vaccine at a visit. Is there a place to see the total number of vaccines, and which vaccines we are giving? And finally, I think about the cost/value of our vital services. Just a few things that interest me about the work you do in Communicable Disease. Thanks!

    • Hi Dr. Corder: The measurements you see each month here is counting the “number of persons vaccinated” by age group. It is a fact that one person may receive more than one vaccine at the time of visit, and we track that internally through our PatTrac database. As far as cost/value…the health department has always been a safety net of sorts for children needing vaccines, but cannot get in to their family doctor on time, or are in a pinch due to time constraints for mandatory school vaccines, etc. And since many local providers do not carry a complete stock of recommended adult vaccines, we make sure we do! Consumers also have the option of receiving vaccines at their pharmacy, but again, not all vaccines may be available. Children who are un or underinsured can receive free federal vaccine from participating providers who have Vaccines For Children stock (health department included) but most adult vaccines are fee-for-service or self-pay. We at the health department will assist a person in understanding if a vaccine is a covered service or not, and we can also help an adult possibly receive a vaccine at no or low cost through the vaccine manufacturer’s “Patient Assistance” programs (based on household income and insurance status). We sure do “go the extra mile” to make sure any child or adult gets the vaccines they need!