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Jackie Stein


Active 2 years, 3 months ago
  • Hello. My name is Jackie Stein and I am a Certified BALM Family Recovery Life Coach. I work with families who have someone in their lives that is suffering from an addiction, whether substance or process. BALM stands for Be A Loving Mirror and our goal is to help families be their loved ones’ best chance at recovery.
    I am offering two presentations in the next month to help families get some useful information and an introduction to the BALM method. I would love for your congregation to have the information I am offering. The sessions will be on October 28th and November 11th both at 1pm and will be held at the Bethel United Methodist Church in Mountain Lake Park. I am attaching a copy of the flyer for your review.
    I would be pleased if you would circulate the information in the event that you know people who might want to attend. If you would like me to make these presentations available in other venues, please feel free to contact me. I can arrange to offer it online as well. The goal is to get past the stigma and work on the solution.
    Thank you!!!