John Corbin


Active 11 hours, 50 minutes ago
@guestuser Hi there! We’re glad you’re checking out our community planning tool! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or via our support system (! Enjoy your visit! 🙂 View
  • John Corbin posted an update in the group Group logo of Garrett GuideGarrett Guide 6 years ago

    May 2018 analytics data has been posted to the Raw Data + tab above.

    • Data like this is exactly what we are going to show on the National Partnership for Action webinar, hosted by the Office of Minority Health through Health and Human Services on July 26, 2018. This community continues to excel regarding collaboration and hyper local data collection. Garrett Guide is a tremendous example that clearly demonstrates how our community is working together to address a need that was identified in our County Health Assessment.

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