Amy Ritchie


Active 2 months, 1 week ago
  • Amy Ritchie posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    National Nutrition Month is winding down. Hopefully you have made some healthy changes this month and will continue to keep doing the changes you have made. This week I want you to consider getting less fat in your diet. You can do this by limiting or avoiding fried food; eating less or no fast food, along with watching the extras that you add to your food. By extras I mean, butter, gravy, margarine, salad dressing such as Ranch, sour cream, cream cheese and mayo, just to name a few. If you are trying to lose weight cutting back on fat is a great place to start! A gram of fat has 9 calories compared to a gram of carbohydrate which has 4 calories as does a gram of protein. Try to incorporate all the National Nutrition Month suggestions the remainder of March!

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